Katy Perry Makes Out to Drake Songs, Because Of Course She Does.by Nivel

 Katy Perry Makes Out to Drake Songs, Because Of Course She Does

 Katy Perry seems like someone I would love to be friends with – she’s funny, down-to-earth and knows how to have a good time. She also has pretty good taste in music (and in her own!). To that end, she admitted during a DJ stint on iTunes radio earlier this week (which I didn’t even know was a thing or I probably would have listened) that she likes to “make out” to Drake songs, particularly ‘Hold On, We’re Going Home’. Great pick – LOVE that song and frankly, as embarrassing as it is, I also really love Drake’s new album Nothing Was the Same. It’s got great production and really good beats, but some of the lyrics? Hoo boy. Example: “You’ve had a hard week/Go get you some lobster and shrimp”. I mean…

In any case, here’s what Katy said:

    “Who doesn’t love Drake? Drake is so sensitive but yet still so cool. It’s a very hard balance to find sometimes. Emotional guys that are sensitive but strong and Drake is definitely that kind of guy,” Perry said.

    “And he really hit home on this next one called ‘Hold On’. I think it’s beautiful. It sounds a little bit like kind of old vibey Lionel Richie [or] The Weeknd. It’s sexy as hell.

    “I listen to it with my boyfriend [John Mayer], so I would suggest listening to it with whoever you wanna make out with.”

Funny enough, Katy holds a very particular place in my heart because I actually fell in love to ‘Teenage Dream’ AND I DON’T CARE WHO KNOWS IT! The only bad thing about her making out to Drake is that it’s with fucking John Mayer. Blech.