Elsa Pataky: ‘Supportive wife is the role she most wants to play,’ says source by nivel

Ron Howard’s Rush was released in only five theaters this past weekend, and it averaged $40,000 per screen, which is really good news. That means that the buzz is growing for Rush and that Chris Hemsworth can carry a film which doesn’t feature Fabio hair and a giant hammer. Rush will get its wide release this weekend, and my guess is that it will probably be #1 at the box office one week from now. So, do we give Chris credit for having the acting chops? I’ve said this in many Tom Hiddleton/Loki posts – Tom may have the fan-girls (and fan-boys), but Chris is the one with Hollywood backing him. Hollywood thinks Chris is the Next Big Thing. Chris is booking back-to-back film roles and more often than not, he’s carrying the films.

But should we give Chris’s wife Elsa Pataky some credit too? I think we should. I think Elsa sees herself as powerful Hollywood wife, and it’s her job to support her husband’s career with well-timed family-friendly photo-ops and lovely-dovey red carpet appearances. Us Weekly had a little hint into Elsa’s strategy:

    On the press tour for Chris Hemsworth’s movie Rush, Elsa Pataky was never far behind.

    “Supportive wife is the role she most wants to play,” says a source of the actress, 37.

    It pays in dividends: in Rome, Hemsworth “opened doors and held her hand,” says a witness. “What a gentleman.”

This makes sense to me. Elsa may want to work as an actress, but she’s realistic about it. She knows she’s never going to be a movie star in her own right, but she can be one half of a power-couple. It’s the Jennifer Garner/Rita Wilson/Kate Capshaw School of Hollywood Power. And my guess is that Elsa is totally going to get pregnant again and soon, if she’s not already knocked up.